Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Debate Over The Generation - 1460 Words

Everyone’s been there; extended family gathered around the dinner table discussing life when someone makes the notorious comment; â€Å"Get off your phone, your generation, all you care about is technology!† The debate over Millennials being inadequate and too technology based has become frequent, the common argument from adults being that all Millennials care about is their phone. Yet adults have frequently stated this as they glance up from their phone as their fingers rapidly tap away on a screen. Adults can not continue to blame technology for Millennials â€Å"lack† of knowledge when they were the ones who raised us this way. Furthermore, contrary to belief, if anything technology has furthered Millennials growing intelligence, not damaged it. Therefore, although technological advances have been made, the common belief that Millennials are the dumbest generation is invalid due to the fact that millennials literacy and overall intelligence is increasing while the rigor of classes is skyrocketing. Technology seems to be the pinpoint of the argument of millennials being â€Å"dumb.† Millennials are always on their phone. Anytime something negative happens it always seems to relate back the that dumb phone. Yet contrary to this, technology has increased millennials intelligence levels, due to the fact that the â€Å"digital world lowers barriers to self-directed learning† (Mizuko Ito Al.). Instead of spending hours in libraries, paging through books trying to find evidence for a researchShow MoreRelatedEssay about An Army of One: Me1728 Words   |  7 Pagesbe accomplished successfully. These processes are related to those that society must be willing to take in order to achieve a desired goal, otherwise known as the ‘struggle’. 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